Christofori Piano Service is dedicated to helping you make sure your piano is in optimal condition, for the maximum enjoyment of your instrument. Whether you are a professional musician (teachers, performers, etc.) or playing for personal enjoyment, all work is geared to your specific needs. Serving Austin, San Antonio and the Texas Hill Country.

We strongly adhere to the following Code of Ethics:

I will act honorably and in a professional manner.
I will uphold the principles of honesty and integrity for which the Piano Technician Guild stands.
I will represent my education, training, experience and area of expertise honestly and accurately.
I will uphold the Mission, Objectives, and Principles of the Piano Technicians Guild.
I will render the best possible service under the circumstances, always keeping the best interest of my client in mind.
I will use the name and trademarks of the Piano Technicians Guild properly and will encourage others to do the same.
I will always strive to improve my professional skills and I will encourage and help others to do the same.
I will promote good will toward my profession and toward the music industry.
I will engage only in business practices that are in accord with the antitrust guidelines as set forth by the Piano Technician Guild.
I will honor other piano technicians and always consider their circumstances.
I will honor my clients and always seek to improve their piano experience.